Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back To Blogging "What I'm Thankful For"

It has been quite sometime since I've added anything to my blog, But I have been inspired to catch my blog up. In life a person is faced with many trials and tribulations (some big, some small). Most small trials are dealt with and are forgotten, tribulations can and should be life changing. With that being said...Do not forget about the blessings you possess. Sometimes it takes a tribulation for you to see your blessings.

My tribulation: Almost two years ago I went to my family doctor for my yearly physical. Everything was checking out good...Heart, Blood pressure, Lab work. He asked me if i had any questions for him..."Yes, I do have a small issue, My left ear seems to ring all the time." He asked how long has that been going on?..."A couple of weeks now." What really caught me of guard was when he asked me if I still dipped..."Yep." He then proceeded to look in my mouth, There was a small spot on my gum he asked me about. I thought it was just where I had bitten my jaw. He told me that he was going to send me to a ENT and if I had any preferences. No, Which one would he go to if you were me? The one he recommended was in Elkin. I said why Elkin and not Winston? This man is a very smart doctor and is a Christian. Never heard that from a doctor, but I was all for it. We had just started going to church ourselves.
Three days later I'm in Elkin with my Wife, Child, & Parents to see this doctor. He gave me a CT scan and removed the place on my gum. Then told me to come back in a week, he was going to send the tissue off that he removed to check for Cancer cells. I thought I was going to throw up, when he said cancer. I said "Cancer!" Yes with your hearing loss And the place on your gum, also the fact you use tobacco products, we must be sure. He then told me to pray about it and expect the worse.

On the way home, for the first time, my child asked me to quit dipping. I gave her the can of Kodiak that I had in my back pocket. She threw it out the window. I thought to myself...What a profound statement, She really wanted tobacco out of our lives! So I promised her the that I would stop dipping right then...

Every night after Brooke would fall asleep I would say my prayers beside her. The odd thing is that my prayers were always more focused towards Her, Tracey, and our Family. Looking back, I really don't think I knew how to pray for myself. That Sunday at church I saw my name on the prayer list. My brother, who had just started going to church there, told the pastor about my ordeal (Thank's Mark). That Sundays service was about turning things over to God. Not knowing what this meant, I really tried to listen and understand. The service was almost over when the pastor asked if anybody had anything that they had to turnover. Wow! it was like he was talking to me. Shakingly (not sure if I was scared because I have never been down to the pulpit or if it was the fact that God is lead me somewhere) I went down to the pulpit and turned it over to God. What a peaceful feeling I had after that.

The week was up and I was back at the doctor. When the doctor walked in he had a smile on his face and that I'd been truly blessed. The only Cancer type cells the found were Pre-cancer cells and that he had gotten all of them removed. If I had waited any longer, I would have had to have treatments. He said that the hearing is gone due to nerve damage, and that the ringing is there for good. That is No Problem with me, it's just a reminder of how lucky I really am.

Before Thanksgiving my Dad was interviewed by a paper. The question he was asked " What are you thankful for?"...Simply said..."To be alive." How true is that.

I shared this story as my way to tell what I am thankful for. And don't wait for a tribulation in your life to see your blessings.

Now I want to add just one more thing....Our wants or maybe addictions.
Everybody has them, Mine at the time was tobacco. I still dream about it, carve it, love the smell of it, But No...I promised Brooke and I will hold true to my word. In January I gave up my second biggest addiction, Soda Pop. This is tough to... This year it will be eating healthier foods. I am cutting out all commercially processed meats. If I choose to eat any kind of meat it will be processed, caught or killed by me. I'm filling the freezer up with deer, sorry rights folks. By the way, I will not force my family to do the same unless they chose to do the same...There is still soda pop in the refrigerator for the family.

So I challenge all who reads this to give something you think that you cannot do without...I promises it will be super rewarding to you when you make it for a year.


  1. seriously.. an insanely inspiring post! i am thankful for you. you and your family blow me away. i love you all so much. i am thankful for brooke and all she means to me.

    im trying to figure out what i am going to give up starting january.. help me out!

  2. What a nice post. And I am Thankful for you...as you have always felt like my oldest child. I am also Thankful that you gave way the habit that could have changed all of our lives had you continued. :)

    ..soda pop is my all time addiction..... maybe I should start smaller and give up Ice Tea just so my first attempt I do not fail. ;)

    Maybe on Christmas Eve we should all have something in mind to sacrifice for the beginning of the New Year. Hmmmmm.
