These are Diablo's Fat White Chicks and his two Vixens, Venus and Victoria.

These are our not-so-wild turkeys, Tom and Tanelle. They have been pardoned from Thanksgiving meals. Tom likes to gobble at Whippersnapper and strut his stuff.

This is Fancy our Peahen. She is available.

These are our trio of Lemon Blue-Red Quill mix bannies. Washington is the rooster and his babes are Virginia and Carolina.

This is Raleigh, our first chicken. He's a widower looking for love. He's a Banny Rhode Island Red rooster.

This is Diablo, the caretaker of the fat chicks and his vixens. Yes, that's five hens he tends.

This is Abe & Mary our Americana pair. These guys are the ones that give us green and blue eggs. Not too fancy.
Where fore art thou Romeo? This is our Romeo, a Polish rooster. Next to Phil this is the next best catch.
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