Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lights Out for Family Time

My mother always had dinner for us and we ate together, everyday...Even when we started leaving her nest, she would fix Sunday dinner. Even now when visiting, it revolves around food.

I read an store in the LA times that got my mind rolling.

The family dinner: Are there no limits to its power?

What a story, It got me to thinking and researching...
Then I came across a web page...

In today's world there is a major distraction even if you do eat together as a family, electricity and all the things it powers.  

So now all of this reminded me of an old coworker, at one time he ran a Walmart in Germany.  We often talked about cultural differences.  The one difference that stood out to me, was one he called "down time."  In the community he lived in, everyday at 6pm, the power company would redirect energy.  His family would set down for dinner at this time. 

The power thing is not a new idea, during World War II this was common in this country in war industry areas.  The power was needed for factories.  Many "go green" organisations implements a "lights out" to reduce green house gases.

Here is my plan...

Everyday at 6:30 "Power Down" and phones off. (Just an hour)

I would flip main breaker, butt way too many things to re-program.
This is when we will eat.  We already eat dinner at this time most every day, only difference is everything is on.  After that it will be whatever, just it must be unplugged.  There will be exceptions: Brooke's ball practice/games, work, etc.

Tracey knows plan and loves the idea.  Brooke, on the other hand, has no idea. She will be in shock for a few days. This will be an ongoing post, I'll add pictures and discoveries once it starts. We are starting Saturday.